Monday, August 13, 2007

Welcome to the Jungle


So the problem with my regular blog is that people who know me in real life know where it is. People like my mother...and my grandmother. And I can't talk about a bunch of things where Mom can see it, much less Gramma. Hence, this place, which is for me to talk about stuff I don't want parental units and old friends seeing.

Dramatis Personae

Me: I am in my early 30s, and I work at a job I hate because it requires all of 15% of my brain power to perform but gets affronted when this is pointed out. I am a neo-pagan (which is one of the things Mom is Not To Find Out): I worship a Goddess and a God, believe in magic, all that good stuff. I'm a sexual submissive and a masochist. In short, I get off on being tied up and beaten. I know it's weird; there's nothing I can do about it. I'm also het, though I've had sex with a woman and enjoyed it, and I'm of the opinion that having sex with someone other than the person you're officially involved with is not really a big deal. Despite being a heterosexual sub, I am firmly feminist everywhere not in bed, and also a flaming liberal. You may feel free to lambast me for any of these traits; I in turn will post your comments with mocking, MST3K-style interleaved commentary. Because it's my blog, baby.

Luke: My live-in lover and the person who does most of the tying up and beating. We're planning to have kids in the not-too-distant future. Our current greatest source of friction is the fact that he doesn't have a steady job.

Mom: People other than me have told me that my mother is crazy. The problem is that it's not one of those nice obvious crazies; it's the kind of crazy that results from a woman who was supposed to have a white picket fence, a dog and 2.3 children and instead wound up divorced with a single daughter who likes sci-fi cons and comic books, isn't planning to get married before procreating, and is living with a man nearly two decades her senior. Mom was the oldest of four, and boy does it show. She tries to manage everyone--for their own good, of course.

Occasional Players

Odin and Freya: The cats. Odin is so called because one of his eyes is nearly useless due to a cataract. I love my cats.

Honoria: My oldest least, she was when we were ten. These days she's coasting on being blond and tall, and I'm trying to have a life that means something. It's awkward.

Mac: An old boyfriend who screwed me over a whole lot.

Fiona: There was a time I owed Fiona everything. Then she threatened to have me arrested.

Castor: My closest male friend aside from Luke. Cass and I dated once, and I was in love with him for years afterwards. These days we have each other as, well, backups, and if we're ever both single at the same time we may well fall madly in bed and/or get involved again. But right now we don't sleep together.

Dad: A large part of the reason Mom didn't get the child she wanted, my dad began reading me The Lord of the Rings as a bedtime story when I was five. Mom's a Muggle; Dad is firmly not.

Other players will be introduced as they become relevant.

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